Successfully Avoiding Anything Planned




Debut stand-up comedy album Library Mafia on Pass Out Records




Yes Way.

One of the biggest ironies of my life is that I moved from Chicago and started taking improv classes in Hawaii.  One day I shared this with a friend and he said, “Hey, maybe you were meant to do comedy here.”  I’ll go with that,  I’ve always been a sucker for a good destiny story.

I did catch the bug in the Windy City when I took a stand-up comedy workshop at a bar during my last semester of seminary.  Greek will do that to you.  But it wasn’t until a few years later when I drove by Laughtrack Theater in Honolulu’s Chinatown that I dove face-first off the ropes and into the ring.   (Literally.  One of my first improv scenes was as a wrestler named Hawk,  the name I would forever be known as in class and @shows.)

Improv classes and stand-up comedy open mics gave me the opportunity to practice being in the moment,  trust instincts,  fail (a lot!) in a safe environment,  and explore creativity and spontaneity.


The core of why I love comedy is this: when you're a velociraptor on stage it's celebrated; elsewhere you'll probably get weird looks. Photos by Cindy Russell, TGIF

The core of why I love comedy is this: when you’re a velociraptor on stage it’s celebrated; elsewhere you’ll probably get weird looks. Photos by Cindy Russell, TGIF


Since graduating from Laughtrack Theater I’ve played with several improv teams all with weird names, performed stand-up comedy with Mr. Aaron Presents,  ComedyU,  and ImprovHI,  taken some awesome workshops with comedians from Second City,  UCB Theater,  and Annoyance Theater,  and have performed in the Hawaii Sketch Fest and improv festival Improvaganza.

I regularly perform stand-up comedy at local shows and special events (Will tell jokes for food).

Past Events


A very familiar stare…


Kermet Apio Comedy Tour. Hawaii 2017.







