Successfully Avoiding Anything Planned

Japan: Part 2 (Video)


Last week I shared some pictures from Japan.  This week,  you guessed it,  more pictures and a video.  I’ll just be quiet and post that stuff right now: 

Northern Japan: Misawa. Hakodate.

(click to enlarge)


As we were walking out of the train station in Tokyo, we heard the sound of acoustic guitars playing with fierce intensity.  Far from the sleepy coffee shop acoustic jam I’m accustomed to, these were guitars on triple espresso.  It seemed to match perfectly with the swell of city noise and buzz of motion all around us.

We had just to stop and take it all in, something we’d find ourselves often doing in Tokyo.  

The duo was brothers Taro and Jiro, and their song,  “Silent Siren,”  can be heard playing throughout our video below.  After doing some internet research (stalking),  I learned the song is on their album Brothers Fight.  


Here’s our trip to Japan in 97 seconds:


Uh-oh,  I can feel another inspiration quote coming on….

Bizarre travel plans are dancing lessons from God

-Kurt Vonnegut-

Thanks for traveling along,


About the author

I work as a chaplain and play as a comedian and singer-songwriter. My wife and I met in Chicago and have lived in Honolulu and Portland, OR. We now chase our two daughters, Naomi and Leona, around Santa Rosa, California.


  1. Enjoy keeping up with you and Christi with occasional glimpse into your lives. I am one of Christi’s former nursing instructors from many years ago.